Great Tips To Losing Weight Fast (1)

Our bodies store 2 types of fat; visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is fat that builds up around our tummies, bums and thighs and is closely related to the development of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Subcutaneous fat is found all over the body beneath our skin.

More disturbingly Visceral Fat (VF) can release chemicals that can damage the arteries around the heart leading to heart disease and increase your risk of getting cancer. VF also sits very close to the liver and releases chemicals that can get into the liver easily interfering with its ability to clear insulin from your blood which in turn can lead to type 2 diabetes. A thicker waistline can be a good indicator of VF but the good news is VF some of the first fat you lose when you start to lose weight. Many of us assume that the quickest easiest way to lose weight is to skip meals there by cutting down calorie intake.
1. Don’t skip meals
This is what happens when you skip meals; research suggests that we are biologically driven to crave certain
types of food when we are hungry. If you skip breakfast and you get really hungry your brain tries to compensate by urging you to crave high calorie foods – a dieting disaster! That’s because your brain is responding to a powerful signal that comes from a hormone called ghrelin. When our stomachs are empty ghrelin sends a message to our brains that says ‘fill me up now’ and that triggers a powerful urge to eat high calorie food to compensate. When you are hungry your brain is trying to get you to eat high calorie foods so when you skip a meal the unconscious part of your brain zeros in on high calorie food to compensate So the first tip to losing weight is DON’T SKIP MEALS because our brain has a really primitive response to this making us crave high calorie high fat foods to compensate and will power may not be enough to fight it!
2. Change your plate size
A simple trick to add to your diet is to change your plate size, down from a 12-inch diameter plate to a 10-inch plate. Various experiments have been done with this eg. in one study a cinema audience was given 2 different size tubs of popcorn; small and large and were asked to eat as much popcorn as they wanted during a film. Both sizes of container were large enough so the audience could eat their fill but large enough so that they were unable to finish the tubs. The audience who were given the larger tubs eat more than those who were given the smaller tubs not because they were any hungrier but just because they were given more to eat.
When more food was available to them they couldn’t stop even when they were full, they just kept on eating more. Experiments like this show that if you increase your portion size by using a larger plate or bowl you’ll tend to each much more. So the 2nd simple tip if you want to stop eating when you are full is to simply reduce your plate or bowl size. If you put less food on your plate you could end up eating up to 22% less food overall.

The Female Health Detective
ReadmoreGreat Tips To Losing Weight Fast (1)

Fighting Fat with a Vegetarian Diet

For a low-fat diet, eat a vegetarian diet.

Another benefit of the vegetarian diet is the much lower intake of fat, if dairy products, seeds
and nuts are eaten sparingly. This accounts for lower serum cholesterol levels found in
vegetarians, which considerably reduces the risk of developing heart diseases and breast and
colon cancer.

A third nutritional advantage of the vegetarian diet is its high fibre content. Fibre, being
indigestible, increases the bulk of the faces, keeps them soft and makes them easy to expel.
One study has indicated that lacto-ovo vegetarians consume twice as much and vegans four
times as much fibre as non-vegetarians. High fibre intake has been associated with decreased
risks of diseases of the colon, appendicitis, cancer of the colon and rectum, hiatus hernia, piles
and varicose veins.

McCarrison, one of the greatest authorities on food, has outlined a perfect diet. According to
him, " a perfectly constituted diet is one in which the principal ingredients are milk, milk
products, any whole cereal grain or mixture of cereal grains, green leafy vegetables and fruits.
These are the protective foods. They make good the defects of other constituents of the diet,
protect the body against infection and disease of various kinds, and their use in sufficient
quantity ensures physical efficiency
ReadmoreFighting Fat with a Vegetarian Diet

high blood pressure? try the following tips

Natural treatment for is available for those who don’t want to resort to pharmaceutical methods to treat their high blood pressure. Not only are these cheaper, these are also proven to be as effective, or even more so, than other medications. Best of all, most of these do not have side effects, unlike other medicines and treatment that can cause dizziness, weakness, poor blood circulation, insomnia, kidney damage, irregular heartbeats, and cholesterol problems. This article lists some high blood pressure natural treatment methods that people with hypertension can use.

No drugs cure high blood pressure.

All drugs against high blood pressure without exception, are toxic and have distressing side effects. The safest way to cure high blood pressure is to remove the real cause. The natural way of dealing with it is to eliminate the poisons from the system which cause it. Persons with high blood pressure should always follow a well-balanced routine of proper diet, exercise and rest. Diet is of primary importance. Meat and eggs cause the blood pressure to rise more than any other food. The pressure is lowered and blood clotting diminished by partaking of a higher fruit content, lower protein and non-flesh diet. A natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables, instead of a traditional diet, is helpful in getting rid of the poisons from the body. A hypertension patient should start the process of healing by living on an exclusive fruit-diet for at least a week, and take fruits at five-hourly intervals thrice in the day. Oranges, apples, pears, mangoes, guava, pineapples, raspberry, water-melon are the best diet in such cases. Bananas and jack fruit should not be taken. Milk may be taken after a week of "fruits only"' diet. The milk should be fresh and should be boiled only once. The patient can be permitted cereals in his food after two weeks.

To treat high blood pressure, get enough sleep.

Persons suffering from high blood pressure must ensure at least eight hours of restful sleep, because proper rest is an important aspect of the treatment. Most important of all, the patient must avoid over-straining, worries, tension, anger and haste. The person who has high blood pressure must try to be cheerful and develop a contented mind. The natural treatment may take sometime but it is the safest and best way to get rid of this disease.

Drink water if you have high blood pressure.
Persons with high blood cholesterol level should drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water every day as regular drinking of water stimulates the excretory activity of the skin and kidneys. This in turn facilitates elimination of excessive cholesterol from the system. Regular drinking of coriander (dhania) water also helps lower blood cholesterol as it is a good diuretic and stimulates the kidneys. It is prepared by boiling dry seeds of coriander and straining the decoction after cooling.
Readmorehigh blood pressure? try the following tips

Breast Cancer Early Detection

Following the American Cancer Society's guidelines for the early detection of breast cancer improves the chances that breast cancer can be diagnosed at an early stage and treated successfully. Therefore, it is important for women to take an active role in early detection. Your physician can provide information for the proper schedule of checkups and symptoms to watch for. This advice will be based on a woman's age, medical history and other factors.
Symptoms ...What to look for
Early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. In fact, when it first develops, breast cancer may cause no symptoms at all. But as the cancer grows, it can cause changes that women should watch for:

• A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area.
• A change in the size or shape of the breast.
• A discharge from the nipple.
• A change in the color or feel of the breast, areola or nipple (dimpled, puckered or scaly).

A woman should see her doctor if she notices any of these changes. Most often, they are not cancer, but only a doctor can tell for sure. Breast exams save lives!

There are four important early detection procedures:
• Clinical Breast Exam
• Breast Self-exam
• Mammogram
• Digital Mammogram

Clinical Breast Exam (CBE)
A breast exam by a physician or nurse is typically a part of a routine annual check up for all women. During a CBE, a health professional will carefully inspect and palpate (feel) a woman's breasts and under her arms to check for lumps or other unusual changes while she is lying down. A clinical breast exam is not a substitute for regular mammography for women over 40 years of age.

Self-examination Techniques
By regularly examining her own breasts, a woman is likely to notice any changes that occur. The best time for breast self-examination (BSE) is about a week after your period ends, when your breasts are not tender or swollen. If you are not having regular periods, do BSE on the same day every month. For monthly breast exams use the fingerpads of your three middle fingers to feel your breast. Always use your left hand for your right breast and your right hand for your left breast.
Three Methods
Use one of the following methods consistently each time you examine yourself:
1. Circular motion in an oval pattern.
2. Vertical motion in a rectangular pattern.
3. Wedge motion in an oval pattern.

Check for any lumps, hard knots, swelling, dimpling, or thickening. Observe for abnormal change of size, shape, color or discharge.

Standing in front of a mirror, look at both breasts while your arms are at your sides. While raising your arms slowly, look for swelling or changes in nipples or breasts. With your hands on your hips, flex your chest muscles and compare your breasts. While in the shower, extend your right arm up and examine your right breast. Switch (extend left arm, examine left breast).

While reclined on your bed or floor on your back, place a pillow under your right shoulder so your right breast is flat. Examine your right breast with your right arm under your head. Switch (place pillow under left shoulder and examine left breast).

A mammogram is a special x-ray. It is actually two x-rays of each breast, one taken from the top and one from the side. The breast must be compressed between two flat surfaces in order to obtain clear images. While this compression may be uncomfortable (not painful), it lasts for only a few seconds. In many cases, mammograms can detect breast tumors that are too small to be felt or cause symptoms. A mammogram may also show small deposits of calcium in the breast. A cluster of very tiny specks of calcium (called microcalcifications) may be an early sign of cancer.

Mammography should be done only by specially trained medical staff using equipment designed for taking x-rays of the breast. The x-ray images should be read and interpreted by a qualified radiologist. (See information about new digital mammography.)
To learn where you can get a mammogram, talk with your doctor or phone Boone Hospital Center scheduling to make an appointment (573-815-8150) or call the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service (1-800-4-CANCER) The Dr. Hugh Harris Breast Screening & Diagnostic Center performs mammograms in a comfortable, private setting staffed with highly qualified health professionals.

Mammography screening remains the single most effective method to detect breast cancer in early stages. However, because no medical test is always 100% accurate, mammography is no exception. Therefore, it is important for women to have their breasts examined regularly by a doctor or nurse and perform BSE's.

Information provided by the National Cancer Institute and NBCAM.
ReadmoreBreast Cancer Early Detection

Herbal for Weight Loss

These days, there is an excellent  need for overweight Americans to get rid of those weight. Being healthy would not only lead them to have fitness but it will also literally lighten their load,  and improve their overall well-being. There is a long  list of loss weight dieting alternatives available. There are training programs, products, products, health drinks and food, weight loss pills - there are even cleansers which claim to help you reduce bodyweight while you bathe.

One other available option to shed off those unwanted weight is to  go herbal based.

Herbal loss weight products have been in excellent demand for people who want to shed bodyweight the normal way. However, when you take pills to loss weight, you would have to wait longer for the results because of the more simple effects of medicines which came from plants and herbal plants.

Here are some plant based fat reduction alternatives that you might want to consider:


If you are very difficult to lose weight, you can try this trick. if you want to burn fat, drink a tablespoon of honey plus one tablespoon warm water with the same dose every day. According to the study, honey can mobilize the accumulated fat.

Green Tea.

Studies show that intake of green tea, or green tea extracts burns extra calories. Also, green tea with caffeine can increase fat burning by up to 40% thereby reducing fat.

This is one good option for those who want to lose weight. In a study done, people who took green tea were found to lose 2 to 3 times more weight than those who did not drink green tea.

These results show that green tea is a natural product for the treatment of obesity. Thus, it als


As an anti-inflammatory, peppermint helps in weight loss by reducing water retention in the body and to cleanse the stomach. Peppermint can also soothe the gut and control your appetite.
ReadmoreHerbal for Weight Loss

Exercising and Pregnancy

Prescribing a medication for anticipating parents is a challenging process.

Before obstetricians and gynecologists decide which offering of which pharmaceutical can best cure a circumstance without putting any dangerous adverse outcomes on the mom and the infant, they consider the peoples age, common insurance coverage health, the quantity of months before distribution, building up a building up a tolerance for medication, and any other medication the anticipating individual may be taking.

Prescribing training on anticipating parents has to be just as technological and specific. The type, power, consistency, and period of a “dose” to train are all significant. One peoples healthy, quick training could be detrimental to another. These issues may be improved in anticipating parents because they are more likely to have modifications and other serious adverse outcomes for the would-be mom.

However, if training will be done and done in a regular, typical range, training will not have an effect on the overall circumstance of the having a infant and especially on work or distribution.


Quality prenatal care should be given to a mom during her having a infant. She should be prepared for the regular distribution of a healthy infant. Problems should be ceased at all costs.

All of these things are decreased to the fact that a mom should be cared in such a way that she will not need to do quick operate but should not also stay in bed and be less effective until she gives beginning to her infant.

Consequently, a anticipating women circumstance can vary in regards to the growth of the infant in element her womb. Therefore, it is necessary that proper insurance coverage health assistance be offered by her medical doctor during her check out.

Moreover, you should keep the anticipating women life effective to be able to advertise insurance coverage health, not only for her but also for the infant most of all.

Physical circumstances like blood pressure, body weight and insurance coverage health position is usually used during the anticipating women holiday to her medical doctor. Because of this, it is significant to please be aware that training can be the quantity one factor to be able to keep these elements in excellent.

As the and health professionals state, acceptable mental and actual information is needed by a mom to make herself for distribution. She needs realistic insurance coverage health information in keeping herself and the infant healthy.

Hence, for parents or would-be parents who are not yet aware why they should put out some effort in appealing into typical, regular training, here is a list of some of its benefits so that you will be able to understand the objective why anticipating parents have to training regularly:

1. Defiance against fatigue

As muscle cells becomes used out, it generates less power. To achieve a process like ascending the steps, for example, or shoveling snowfall, more models of muscle cells must be called into play to again up the wearied muscle cells tissue.

The used out muscle cells tissue are both less powerful and less effective. Hence, this will just put more stress on the mom because of the body weight that is consistently including up each day. That is why used out muscle cells tissue will usually result to leg pain or aching muscle cells tissue.

What every mom must know is that training helps the circumstance of muscle cells tissue and their ability to operate longer without physical weakness.

2. Reduce backaches

Even when you sit or withstand, some muscle cells tissue are working, and such relatively easy jobs can tax some muscle cells tissue and cause physical weakness. The muscle cells tissue of the again, for example, can be used out and used out by the effort of keeping hard when a mom withstand still for several hours.

With training, a mom can correct this problem by creating her pose.

3. Increase the quantity of oxygen

Work and implement depend on glycogen, a material created by your program from challenging sweets and located muscle cells tissue and liver organ. The offer of glycogen in muscle cells tissue can help figure out and restrictions period of measures. Exercising lowers the glycogen in muscle cells tissue and results in physical weakness.

However, when glycogen is decreased by extreme measures, it is changed in volumes improved than before, as if your program acknowledged the need to lay in a bigger offer of petrol.

Hence, oxidation is essential for changing glycogen to the energy that anticipating parents need to move a little kids finger, answer a muscle cells, or practice the lungs area and heart for some coming measures during regular distribution.

These are just some of the many benefits training can bring to anticipating parents. Besides, nothing is wrong for a mom doing some typical routines. The only thing to remember is that before starting an exercise regime, whether anticipating or not, it is best to seek advice from your medical doctor. As they say, medical doctors know best!
ReadmoreExercising and Pregnancy

What can you do to lower cholesterol

Experts say that people over the age of 20 years, more attention should be paid to their cholesterol level and advise them what they can do to reduce their levels of "bad" cholesterol. Despite the claims of so many that it can lower cholesterol diet plans, lifestyle changes and medication monitoring, more and more people suffering from this condition still does not reduce cholesterol levels low.
Although it is sometimes difficult to be consistent with the requirements in order to lower the stick cholesterol levels, it is still possible to obtain following simple ways to reduce cholesterol levels:
First make sure you know where you stand with your values ​​checked regularly. Visit your doctor and get your cholesterol levels checked regularly is very important to obtain optimal health for all. Since high cholesterol is linked to cardiovascular disease, make sure you know the numbers for you to change your diet and lifestyle factors and reorder. Knowing your cholesterol level will also help you decide what type of diet plan to follow, and if you need medication and treatment already. Knowing the starting point will also help you monitor your cholesterol levels healthy progress. If you know your exact cholesterol status then you can do something to combat it by learning to quit cigarette smoking and excessive consumption of foods high cholesterol.
According Understand the basics and learn all you can about the condition. If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol levels, is the first thing to do is to fully understand the situation and to gain more information about the condition. By maintaining the status of their research and be informed first about the changes in lifestyle that can be done to alleviate the problem, and you will also have an idea of ​​what other treatments options available. Do you understand everything about cholesterol, its types, kinds and health risks and that the case is not really hopeless if you are in the right direction.
Looking more and more information on the condition also recognize that there are so many things you can do. For more information, contact a registered dietician, local centers for nutrition, the health department or local hospital and treated by a consultation with your doctor to get.
Third Watch your weight and get rid of extra pounds if needed. The monitoring of weight is one of the best ways to combat high cholesterol. If you think you are overweight for her age and height, then you should be able to streamline, reduce cholesterol levels should be considered. Since being overweight disrupts the normal metabolism of a person fat, experts say that people who weight more than they should shout start planning a healthy lifestyle and diet to lose weight safely.
But before making a drastic change in diet and lifestyle, make sure you visit your doctor first to access your overall health. This can prevent further damage especially if you have to undergo certain medications.
4 Get physical or not, regular physical activity and exercise more often. The wonders of exercise are very important in reducing high cholesterol. Doing regular physical activity can also help you lose weight and good cholesterol as well. There's really no need for high-intensity workouts, regular brisk walking or jogging can help the body to increase HDL cholesterol and also for the heart.
5 is a commitment and stick to that commitment. The best way to lower cholesterol should be able to develop the discipline to keep at your destination. It can also lower your cholesterol level self-confidence, what are the good and bad fat and its sources, discovering the wonders of fiber in reducing cholesterol by them in good multivitamins, by freeing himself a lot of stress and exploring and considering treatment options when all else fails.
ReadmoreWhat can you do to lower cholesterol